Music That Accentuates Life

I wanted to share some art and music highlights for me over the last year and a half or so.  I know it’s an odd, random sort of post, but Music became very important to me – quite suddenly a year and a half ago, and the how’s and why’s of that journey can be listed in song:


All I had back then was my indie intro to music. I can see in retrospect that it wasn’t such a bad start. This song was played over and over in my car at one point.  It was the refrain “And the wanting comes in waves” that bounced back and forth in my mind and truly seemed to have been written for my experience.


P.J. Harvey was (is still) important to me – she was the closest I think I’d come to art in the Indie scene. This was a song that suddenly burst open with meaning for me, even though I had known and played it for years.  I still get goose bumps when I hear it on my shuffle.


This just is what it is and it aint nothin’ less.



I had the pleasure of seeing Four Tet live a few months after this arrived in my email inbox with a message attached. Part of that message was “Today was a life changing day. Nothing has ever been this profound.” I’ve never gotten over that moment, or this song.



Around the same time that I was gifted Four Tet, I was gifted John Cage. I had never heard of him before, and I am proud and pleased to say I embraced that with everything inside of me to the point that I allow his writings to impact on my music appreciation, my relationship to the world of art, and even on my own writing. He is enormously important. A truly defining moment in my creative development.



Jonathan Franzen said: “You have to love before you can be relentless.”  This music taught me how to love and how to be relentless.



I can say, without hyperbole, that the day I heard this I was never the same again. This is song #5 on the list,  Wire’s 100 records that set the world on fire while no one was watching. I am working my way through this list on my blog, because it broadened my perspective so much that I was able to receive in a way I had never been able to before. I had heard less than 10% of that list prior to the moment I first saw it.  In this moment I can tell you – ignorance was not bliss.  I owe everything to the person that brought that monumental world to me.



This was my introduction to excellent film (what a place to start) and it is a part of the first box set I ever owned. A box set that still sits in pride of place beside my bed.



I haven’t reviewed Hermann Nitsch on this blog yet, because I want to take a lot of time to do properly. I have an incredble book I read regularly, given to me after a holiday in Perth, that I adore. This isn’t music, but it moves me and belongs in this list.



One of the greatest moments of my life – seeing Sonny live.


There are so many other beautiful music moments I could add.  Ami Yoshida, Creel Pone, Erstwhile Records, The NWW list, and other art works: Godard, Last Year in Marienbad,  Tom Mc Carthy, Thomas Pynchon, and the promise.  The promise that if art this beautiful can exist in the world, then so can we.