Tag Archives: Stalin

November 25

Dying for It – Nikolai Erdman is remembered through Moira Biffini and New Theatre (Theatre Review)

“You can’t sentence a man to live.” “Why not?  He deserves it!” There are times when absurdist satire becomes prolific due to control by an oppressive regime and there are times when the regime is successful in stamping out its influence, a case in point being Nikolai Erdman, an enormous Russian talent built belonging to […]

Larks on a String: Jiří Menzel and Bohumil Hrabal defeat totalitarianism with spirit.

What a week in film I’ve had!  What a week anyway – but I have been so lucky as to have seen some of the most incredible films this week. I watched Larks on a String today, and all I can say is thank god I own it, because it is a film that I […]