Tag Archives: Pedro Almodovar

Volver – Pedro Almodovar blurrs the boundaries between life and death.

If Volver is anything, it is a triumphant celebration of life and the breathy, heaving joys in humanity. Volver (from the Spanish “to come back”) is a 2006 Spanish thriller style film writtern and directed by  Pedro Almodóvar. Headed by actress Penélope Cruz, the film features an ensemble cast starring Carmen Maura, Lola Dueñas, Blanca Portillo,Yohana Cobo, and Chus Lampreave. Revolving around an […]

The Skin I Live In: Almodavar at his most disturbing best.

I saw The Skin I Live In this week, and I have to say it was easily the best new release that I saw in 2011. I watched Volver a few days before it (review coming) and I loved that film as well. Almodovar just gets better and better. The Skin I Live In doesn’t […]