Tag Archives: Creel Pone

Wire’s 100 Records that set the world on fire while no one was listening. 41 – 45

This post is part of a series. You can see the previous post here. Oh it’s all happening here today with this selection of amazing music. Its the first half of the 1970’s still, and the most brilliant musicians are learning about musique concrete and jazz fusion and adding it to funk, blues and groovy jazz heat. […]

Creel Pone #3 : Journey through sound

This article is a continuation from the previous Creel Pone review. At the heart of my current journey through the most interesting music in the world, is the Creel Pone label. I have almost 100 downloads that I work my way through patiently, properly absorbing each and every one. The result is a breathtaking immersion into […]

Creel Pone: Set your mind free and your body will follow.

According to Simon Reynolds (Writer for The Wire) Creel Pone is a mystery project that started around 2005. To the uninitiated music lover, but serious art lover, this project struck me as beautiful and exciting. For all I know, music lovers do this sort of thing all the time. UP until recently, I was a […]